On this page you can see all product templates that come with ASA2.
The Carousel template is designed to show multiple Amazon products in a slider. It works perfectly with ASA 2 collections or smart collections. It is customizable with many option in general and per shortcode.
This template is designed to work with any kind of product. It comes with a minimal and flat design and has many options to customize its appearance without having to change the code.
Flat_box_vertical has a narrow and flat design optimized to use in column or grid layouts, tables or sidebars. It is customizable in general and per shortcode. It is the default template used by the Carousel template.
This template is designed to work with any kind of product. It comes with many options to customize its appearance without having to change the code.
This template has a narrow design optimized to use in column layouts, tables or sidebars. It is inspired by the “Text and Image” type of Amazon’s link builder.
Product name | Rating | Price |
This template is specialized for displaying multiple products in a sortable table. It works perfectly with ASA 2 collections or smart collections. It is customizable in general and per shortcode.
Product name | Rating | Price |
Sortable_table_2 is specialized for displaying multiple products in a sortable table. It switches to stacked layout on small widths and works perfectly with ASA 2 collections, smart collections and feeds. It is customizable in general and per shortcode.
This template is specialized for rendering book information, like authors, binding and number of pages.
This template is specialized for displaying movie data, like actors, director, running time and so on. It is customizable so that you can decide how it should look like and which information to show.
This template is specialized for displaying music data, like artist, label and track lists. It is customizable so that you can decide how it should look like and which information to show.
This template is specialized for displaying multiple products in colums. It works perfectly with ASA 2 collections or smart collections. It is customizable in general and per shortcode.